13 August, 2009


sooo today was my first day back @ the freaking school . and i comepetely HATED it w \ the passion , i have the worst schedule & all my classes were eff'ed up . so it just made me have an awful day . worst first day ever , fmL . on a good note , i looked cute tho , always . haa . i thought it was funy how so many ppl tried to step their swagg game up this year , awww how cute . haha . lemme stop . missing my babes like C R A Z Y ! :(

that is all .

10 August, 2009

soooo ,

careasha stilllll up ! and she's completely insane ! lol .
anywho , there's this guy ;) & i just can't stop thinking about him . he pretty much amazing . He makes me realize w \ in this world of males there still is one out there who is really wonderful & that is basicalllly perfect in my book . i feel like i've known you FOREVERRR . we just click so much . i'm just like dangggg . i like this junk , i like it soo much . lol . you make me forget about the rest and just focus on the best , [ Y O U ) ! :)

" You match me froM Retro 1 to Retro 23. . Thought to Thought . . V-NecK to V-NecK. . but i have the Plaid FusioNsz. . lmao I woN hide, & SeeK, cuz i finally fou/nd yew . . ;) :P lol "

XO .
- R!ley .

Retro 4 Fusions .

August Thirtyth 2thousand9 .


AuGust Fifteen 2thousand9 .
alll over them 'hoes .

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- - - The Killer BanGs .

so i have been thinking about dying my hair jet black & cutting it for the longest but i finally took off & ran w \ the idea & I LOVE IT ! but it seems like now more people have been cutting bangs recently too , ahhh FML !

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basicallllly ,

i haven't been on here in FOREVERRR , haven't had much just 'blogger' moments where i can just sit down & type . . ,

@ this moment chillin w \ the besT [ Reash ) . sooo its 4:25AM & we're just sitting here looking around !

Lately , been pretty mellow . Schools about to start . Having mixed feelings about it ! But its allll goody .
" think good thoughts " . so i've had my fare share of alll types of boys , the ones who dog girls , the players , gangsters , nerds [ lmao ) , etc . but NEVER a geninune sweet guy . and i'm absolutely loving every moment of it . pretty much the best . i'd have to say . handsdown .

welll , that is alll .
XO .

- R!ley .